Do we own and produce just enough? Or is it long since too much? The Designers' Saturday 2020 emerged around these questions, focusing on the theme «Enough!?». This topic is multi-layered and complex. Those who search for a balance between the extremes experience it: as soon as they obtain clarity in one thing, the next question is waiting. It feels like a labyrinth: Either a dead end lurks around the corner or another branch opens up.Focusing on the aspect of transparency, this challenge should have been fanned out and made tangible for the visitors with various measures and design interventions at the site of Glas Trösch. Just as «Enough!?» has many facets and is only ever partially transparent, the tour too would have played with the idea of a sometimes more, sometimes less obvious labyrinth of rooms and installations. Visitors would have been inspired to rediscover the theme through-out the tour.

The 18th edition of Designers' Saturday in November 2020 could not take place due to the Corona pandemic.



Guest curator for Designers' Saturday 2020 in Langenthal at the Glas Trösch site. Responsible for the exhibitors, which were part of the tour. Accompaniment from project submission up to the final implementation, as well as the design of an attractive tour.

In collaboration with the other guest curators Christoph Goechnats, Atelier Ingold Raschke and Ortreport.




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